Write the President
Right now, the U.S. Forest Service is developing a long-term forest management policy. Unfortunately, instead of crafting a policy that will protect forests, the forest service is developing a policy on how to build better roads so that the timber and mining industries will still be able to clear-cut and destroy our pristine forests.
President Clinton and Vice President Gore have the power to direct the U.S. Forest Service to change the direction of current forest policy so that it will permanently protect our heritage forests. Join us in calling on them to help save our nation's habitat.
President William J. Clinton
Vice-President Albert Gore, Jr.
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20500
Dear President Clinton and Vice-President Gore:
Earlier this summer, leaders of the environmental community met with Vice-President Gore to ask that the Administration protect our Heritage Forests -- the last 60 million acres of untouched, but unprotected, wilderness in our National Forests. The environmental community also delivered the comments of more than 200,000 people to your doorstep asking for the same thing. I am writing to you to add my voice to this effort to protect our forests.
Right now, the Forest Service is developing a long-term forest management plan that will determine the future of the last unprotected wilderness in our National Forests. Unfortunately, that plan is currently focused only on how to build better roads in our National Forests, falling far short of permanently protecting wilderness areas from bulldozers and chainsaws.
You have the power to direct the Forest Service to change the direction of their current forest management plan so it will permanently protect our Heritage Forests -- all roadless areas of 1,000 acres and larger in our National Forests -- from logging, roadbuilding, mining, and other damaging activities. I urge you to use that power and protect our Heritage Forests.
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