take action for the earth
m e m b e r s h i p
Do you want to see a new millennium which celebrates the goals of Earth Day?
About Us
Earth Day 2000 is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that seeks to sustain and strengthen the spirit of Earth Day by helping people make choices in their everyday lives that protect the environment. Specifically, we are a image resource and clearinghouse for environmental activism. We provide green consumers, investors and activists with materials to more effectively pursue the various goals envisioned by Earth Day. Our aim: a cleaner and healthier planet to celebrate on the 30 anniversary of Earth Day in the year 2000.
Earth Day began at the urging of Senator Gaylord Nelson, who asked the American people; "Are we prepared to say to manufacturers, 'You must take that thing off the market or prove that the waste it generates doesn't pollute the atmosphere?' Are we prepared to say no to oil companies that they must not drill offshore? Are we prepared to develop a land use policy to say, 'You must not destroy any more'"
A group of young college students led Environmental Action, Inc. in coordinating the first earth day events in 1970. Following thousands of teach-ins, demonstrations, and rallies, citizens demanded that Congress protect the environment. The Environmental Protection Agency was created. Congress passed the Clean Water Act, the Clean Air Act, the Endangered Species Act, and the National Environmental Policy Act. We must ensure that Earth Day in the new millennium brings the same kind of dramatic changes in our approach to saving the plant.
Earth Day 2000 has organized several consumer campaigns to encourage companies to change their business practices. In 1999, we worked with a coalition to win Ford Motor Company's commitment to withdraw from the Global Climate Coalition, an industry group front that claims global warming does not exist.
Earth Day 2000 has also taken companies to court for their misleading environmental claims. In 1996, working in a coalition with a number of student organizations, U.S. PIRG, Ozone Action, and the Environmental Law Foundation , we brought in lawsuits against Sanyo and Maytag. The charge: The companies mislabeled their products as CFC-free, when they actually contained ozone-depleting chemicals. Earth Day 2000 won a favorable settlement. The settlement was awarded to the Rose Foundation, which supports a variety of environmental causes nationally.
Join Earth Day 2000.
If you will commit to a generous one-time gift or to making a modest monthly contribution, each month until April 2000 via credit card (email us for details), you will become part of our Earth Sustainer Countdown to 2000 program. Each month, we'll send you an alert asking you to join us in both a personal and political action.
Send check or money order to:
Earth Day 2000
3435 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 380
Los Angeles, CA 90010
Or call or email us at earthday2000@juno.com
Phone (213) 251-3680
Fax (213) 251-3699
©1999 Earth Day 2000