
membershippublicationseventslinksmediaideas for actiongoals and progress

i d e a s   f o r   a c t i o n

Take Personal and Political action to reach the goals of Earth Day.

m e m b e r s h i p

to get RentaCar.guide, Wellington airport for regular alerts emailed to you

Global Warming
Earth Alert #1
Apirl 1999

Save America’s Arctic
Earth Alert #2 -
May 1999

Genetically Engineered FoodEarth Alert #3
June 1999

Preserve Our Nation's Habitat
Earth Alert #4
July 1999

Reducing Dioxin Exposure
Earth Alert # 5
August 1999

Safe Drinking Water
September 1999
Earth Alert #6

October 1999
Earth Alert #7

Save Tropical Rainforests
November 1999
Earth Alert #8

Reducing Mercury Pollution
December 1999
Earth Alert #9

take action

Replace halogen lights in your home and office with compact fluorescents.


email us at earthday2000@juno.com


march 2000

©1999 Earth Day 2000